A few days ago (the same day as the Ice Tea) I had dinner at Inkas and, a little after the dinner, Tiago came to me: Rafinha, what are you doing tomorrow?
Rafaela, nïve as aways, answered that the next morning she's free and then Thiago (hugging me first, as he knew I was gonna punch him on his face, haha) saied: ah! so, you can bake a cake for us!
He gave me the recipe and, well, I do love chocolate so I came home to pick up some 'cupcake's bakeware/thing' (not sure how it is in English) and, guess what: it is extremely easy and extremely delicious!
Chocolate: 100 g
Manteiga: 100 g
Ovo: 4
Açúcar: q.b. (quanto baste)
Derreter o chocolate com a margarina.
Bater os ovos inteiros com um pouco de açúcar até obter um creme.
Misturar com o chocolate e a margarina.
Colocar em formas pequenas e levar ao forno a 200º C durante oito minutos exactos.
Servir os fondants ainda quentes com uma bola de gelado de baunilha
mais uma coisa, o tempo é extremamente importante... na semana seguinte eu fui fazer nos Açorianos e o forno deles não funcionava muito bem, então demorou mais para começar o cozimento e a manteiga desceu na forma e ficou meio 'blergh'... embora ainda bom :-)
You need
Chocolate: 100 g
Butter: 100 g
Eggs: 4
Shugar: is up to you
How to do
Melt the butter with the chocolate
Mix the eggs with the shugar 'til you get a 'cream'
Mix this 'cream' with the chocolate
Put in those 'cupcakes forms' and put the oven on 200º C for exactly 8 minutos
The Chocolate Fondant goes very well with cream ice cream
last tip... the timing is really important... a week later I made the same recipe at Açorianos and their oven wasn't really good so the cake started to bake 'later' and all the butter went down... after was looking, hmmmm, how can I say "argh" (still good though) :-)
minha amora, que blog M-A-R-A-V-I-L-H-O-S-O!!!
ResponderExcluirqueria pedir-te se sabias de alguma receita de bolo de chocolate húmido, cm o que está aqui na foto, mas sem ser petit gataeu!
um beijinho,
bah! acredita que nunca tinha visto esse seu recado aqui?!
Excluirpelo menos ajudei sem saber, hahaha :-)
beijinhos :-)
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